November 1st, 2023
I've been pretty busy the last couple weeks. I've decided that I am going to take a crack at NaNo this year and I've been caught up with the prep that entails. I don't generally clock over 800 or so words in any given day, let alone write that frequently, so this is going to be an actual challenge.
If it's unclear, NaNo is National Novel Writing Month, a yearly challenge to draft a 50k novel throughout the month of November. To be entirely on track for the challenge, one needs to write around 1,600 words in a given day.
To that end, I will be creating the Stories section on my site as a more permanent host for some of my writing. Unsure if I will be posting the entirety of my NaNo writings there, but I'll have to see how it goes! To anyone else attempting the challenge this year, I wish you all the best of luck.
October 18th, 2023
Updated the Stardew section! I was going to make an entire list of my mods the first thing I was going to do, but decided I wanted to make a guide for the mod Challenging Community Center Bundles, or CCCB. The layout's been largely completed and 3 out of 7 sections are finished, excluding remixed bundles. It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to lay out all the info I wanted to put in each section, but I like how it's turned out so far.
Eventually I want to split it into what can be gotten per season, but first is just getting all the info there. But lots of great progress! Here's a direct link to my guide.
October 17th, 2023
Started the Stardew Valley section. I'll be using it to list out and link the mods I like to use together, known issues with my modpack, and useful information for my own reference. It's in the top navbar since I'll probably be expanding it into several pages.
October 15th, 2023
Didn't do a lot today but I did switch my main page over to what my test layout currently looks like. Still haven't finished working on it but it looks much better than it did, whew. Progress is progress :)
October 13th, 2023
Work continues on the new layout! I wanted to have a nicely-styled <details>
element, found this awesome codepen and i'm currently tweaking it to my liking. it's using a sprite I made instead of the generic details arrow! Which is Neat As Hell
October 12th, 2023
In the process of sprucing things up. I saw the layout builder by sadgrl and am currently editing it to my liking on a test page. Their code is really easy to understand, which is great for me. I feel like having a template like that is a pretty good starting point. :)
dunno why'd you wanna look at it yet, but...
October 10th, 2023
I added a page written in Twine that has some select passages from my writing project. There are currently 5 (short) things available to read: a poem, some memos, and an article of sorts.
October 9th, 2023
Sorry, there's not a lot here yet.
I made this site so I could post some of my fiction.
^^ me trying to figure this stuff out ^^